PorcelArts Workshop
在日本正非常盛行的PorcelArts ,我們終於邀請到剛考取「日本皇家瓷器彩繪」導師牌的朋友,與大家分享和教授,如何簡單製作一件獨一無二的陶瓷餐具~~PorcelArts 是 Porcelain(陶瓷)和Art(藝術)的結合。製作時,先將轉寫紙的貼紙拼貼於純白色瓷器上,再經過高溫燒焗,即成為一件能永久保存的「藝術品」,既可用來裝飾家居,又可作盛器使用,更可拿來送禮。
PorcelArts” is combination of “Porcelain” and “Art” by Nihon Vogue-Sha Co., Ltd. Design free using decals, color painting, gold, platinum... on white porcelain tableware then burns the pieces in the electric furnace. The porcelain tableware is useful in food catering. Also can be a gift for your loved ones’ gift with their name or message. Create pleasant and precious situation with the only original piece in the world...
And our teacher who in charges this workshop finished instruction’s course by Nihon Vogue-Sha Co., Ltd.